Hello < Name >,

This is a courtesy update with regards to your order, we wanted to let you know that your order has shipped and is currently on its way to deliver to you. For your convenience we've included a live-tracking link with our carrier partner below so that you can check on the shipping progress. We thank you for the opportunity to serve and are happy to be of assistance should you have any questions or concerns. 

ORDER TRACKING: < Insert Carrier Weblink to Tracking >

Estimated Delivery Date: < Insert Carrier ESD >

Thank you,


Hello < Name >,

This is a courtesy message to confirm that your order has been delivered. We wanted to let you know that your order was shipped and is now delivered according to our carrier confirmation. For your convenience we've included the live-tracking link below with our carrier partner. We thank you for the opportunity to serve you and are happy to be of assistance should you have any further questions or need assistance please feel free to reply back to this message.

ORDER TRACKING: < Insert Carrier Weblink to Tracking >

Delivery Date: < Insert Delivery Date >


Hello < Name >,

This is a courtesy message to confirm that your order has been corrected and we appreciate the update for your delivery address. We wanted to let you know that your order was shipped and is now delivered according to our carrier confirmation. For your convenience we've included the live-tracking link below with our carrier partner. We thank you for the opportunity to serve you and are happy to be of assistance should you have any further questions or need assistance please feel free to reply back to this message to confirm that your delivery was received. If there was a problem, we'd like to get this resolved so please do not hesitate and confirm your delivery.

ORDER TRACKING: < Insert Carrier Weblink to Tracking >

Delivery Date: < Insert Delivery Date >

ORDER STATUS - Delivered, Vague Cx asking for refund or update on order which showed delivered. 

If the customer is contacting us and asking for a status update or eludes that they want a refund because the order was late, not found, or they are asking where the order is... The order could be Lost/Stolen, Damaged/Defective, or it could be out of a need to Return the item. Please send reply 

  1. Please check for the ORDER# DATE and verify whether the order shipped via Tracking.
  2. If the ORD# shows it was delivered and the Cx is asking for a refund then you must send a follow-up question asking for more information < AMAZON LOST/STOLEN/NOT FOUND > perhaps the item is damaged, defective, lost or not found.
  3. LOST, Damage, Defective related tickets should be reassigned to the correct GROUP in FD. Once you reply to the customer, reassign the ticket and keep as OPEN status to be worked by next group in FD.

Hello < Name >,

Thank you for contacting us and please accept our apologies if there was a problem with your order however before we're able to take action we'll need a little more information as to the reason for your request, please reply back and let us know a few more details so that we can resolve this matter and make this right by you. According to our records, the order shows that this was delivered, please reply back and advise which of the following issues is impacting your order.

ORDER TRACKING: < Insert Carrier Weblink to Tracking >

  • RETURN REQUEST - The Item it is not as expected, arrived too late, ordered wrong item/mistake, not as expected, no longer needed.
  • WRONG ITEM - The items that were delivered is either not the same or is the wrong item.
  • LOST/MISSING CLAIM - The order has not been found and could be lost/stolen/missing.
  • DAMAGE CLAIM - The order arrived but the item and or shipping appears to be damaged.
  • DEFECTIVE CLAIM - The item is not functioning as expected or appears to be defective. 

Please reply back and let us know which issue best fits the problem with your order so that we can resolve this. In most cases we may need the item sent back prior to further resolution actions as this is standard policy, we'll be happy to provide our seller-issued return label for your convenience.

Thank you,

< Name >


Hello < NAME >

This is a courtesy message as we've recently received a Chargeback claim against this order which our records confirm was delivered as of < INSERT DELIVERY DATE > and we have not heard from you directly with regards to this order and would like to better understand the reason behind the chargebak claim. Thank you for contacting us and please accept our apologies if there was a problem with your order however before we're able to take action we'll need a little more information as to the reason for your request, please reply back and let us know a few more details so that we can resolve this matter and make this right by you. According to our records, the order shows that this was delivered, please reply back and advise which of the following issues is impacting your order.


RETURN REQUEST - The Item it is not as expected, arrived too late, ordered wrong item/mistake, no longer needed.

WRONG ITEM - The items that were delivered is either not the same or is the wrong item.

LOST/MISSING CLAIM - The order has not been found and could be lost/stolen/missing.

DAMAGE CLAIM - The order arrived but the item and or shipping appears to be damaged.

DEFECTIVE CLAIM - The item is not functioning as expected or appears to be defective. 

Please reply back and let us know which issue best fits the problem with your order so that we can resolve this. In most cases we may need the item sent back prior to further resolution actions as this is standard policy, we'll be happy to provide our seller-issued return label for your convenience.

Amazon please deny and close this AZ chargeback as this order is well outside of policy. The order was shipped on 1/30/2024 via FedEx Tracking ID# 270406742886 and was delivered within 2 days, the order is confirmed delivered on 2/1/2024. We have had no contact from the customer and suddenly we've received this chargeback claim which we strongly advise is out of policy. If there are service issues that are required the customer must report this to us within 30 days as we adhere to Amazon policies which the customer should report issues within the first 30 days in the likeliness a return is required. The order was delivered and we have no signs or indications that this order had issues and the customer took nearly 4 months to file this unwarranted claim against this order, please deny and close this chargeback claim as it is unfounded and invalid.